About Us
The Benedict Center provides services and advocacy for women in the criminal justice system so they can live safer, healthier lives for themselves, their children and the community we all share. Our services include community-based counseling for substance use disorders and mental health treatment, reentry support, neighborhood drop-in centers and street outreach. We advocate for a more equitable justice system including public health approaches to substance use, mental illness and trauma instead of criminalization.
Mission Statement
The Benedict Center is an interfaith nonprofit dedicated to helping women affected by the criminal justice system find hope and lead safer and healthier lives, while advocating for a system of justice that is fair and treats everyone with dignity and respect.
The Benedict Center advances our mission with direct services and systems advocacy designed to:
Help women navigate and exit the maze of the criminal justice system through a strengths-based approach to address their gender-specific needs and complete their legal obligations.
- Ensure that women build their confidence, skills and supports to continue their healing journey as they realize their dreams and goals.
- Partner with community leaders, residents and other advocates to effect systemic change in the criminal justice system and to reframe mental illness, addiction, and prostitution as public health concerns that merit treatment, rather than as criminal issues that result in incarceration